JALISA, or the Japan Lawyers International Solidarity Association was formally established in 1957. Prior to this, JALISA participated in the Asian Lawyers Conference in Calcutta, India in 1955 and in the 6th convention of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) held in Brussels, Belgium in 1956.
JALISA is comprised of lawyers, scholars and other individuals who share common interest in international law and other global issues, including peace and human rights. JALISA members are also involved in activities of other NGOs and NPOs working for peace and human rights.
JALISA’s scope of activities extends to New York and Vienna, as well as other countries and global regions.
Specific Activities of JALISA:
1. Submissions to the United Nations and other international organizations
One of the activities of JALISA is its participation in meetings of the United Nations and other international organizations. To date, it has actively participated in meetings of the Confederation of Lawyers in Asia-Pacific (COLAP), International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), Human Rights Council in Geneva, International Labor Organization (ILO), and many more, to offer proposals and submissions and to initiate global appeals. In addition, JALISA has also worked continuously with NGOs from around the world to lobby with the United Nations to recognize the “right to peace.”
Aside from attending conferences, JALISA also tries to maximize every opportunity to engage with lawyers, human rights and labor rights activists from around the world to exchange views, learn about their history and activities and to promote cultural exchange. JALISA applies everything that it learns from these engagements and exchanges to its own activities in Japan.
2. Collaborations in Asia
JALISA is a part of and has developed strong relations with a network of lawyers and NGOs in the Asian region actively promoting and working to solve human rights issues in their respective countries. JALISA’s exchange programs and partnership with the Philippines is one good example of this.
・ Participation during the 20th anniversary of the removal of US military base in the Philippines held in Subic.
・ Visit to the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) which was mothballed because of the united opposition of the Filipino people.
・ Interaction with local anti-nuke movement
・ Acceptance and sponsorship to Japan of a paralegal intern from a Philippine NGO working along migrant workers issues.
3. Global Article 9 Campaign
JALISA is involved in the “Global Article 9 Campaign” to spread awareness about provisions of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, the principles behind it as well as its advocacy for peace and pacifism.
4. The Hague Peace Appeal of 1999 and the Vancouver Appeal of 2006
JALISA is lobbying to include the anti-war provisions of Article 9 in the constitution of every country. This means working with counterparts in other countries to promote the principles of Article 9 towards universal adherence on a global scale.
JALISA also participates in "World Social Forum" events held in different parts of the world.
We have organized subcommittee meetings on Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution aside from playing a central role in the "Article 9 World Conference" in 2018. Wherein around 30,000 people were in attendance.
Through these activities, we have created an international movement that supports Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution making it our contribution to all of humanity. In the future, we also aim to call for peace without violence and to finally eliminate war in our world.