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汚染水の処理について、国内では福島県の漁業関係者も強く放出に反対しており、 中国と韓国からも海水放出については、強い反発を招いている。海洋は日本だけのものでない。






IADL Statement on Release of Contaminated Water from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant to the Pacific Ocean

The Japanese government has decided to release contaminated water containing tritium, a radioactive substance, stored in the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean. This decision has been strongly criticized both inside and outside the country, and we call for its immediate withdrawal.

There is no scientific opinion that guarantees the safety of the tritium contained in the contaminated water, and it is also clear that other radioactive substances are contained in the water, so the damage to human health and the environment caused by the release of contaminated water into the ocean is inevitable.

In Japan, fishermen in Fukushima Prefecture are strongly opposed to the release of contaminated water, and China and South Korea are also strongly opposed to the release of contaminated water into the sea. The oceans do not belong to Japan alone.

The contaminated water was caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, and the Japanese government and TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Co. Inc.) have refused to accept responsibility for the radiation damage, and many lawsuits are still being filed in Japan. 

Internationally, in the 1950s, under the slogan of "Nuclear Power for Peace" promoted by US President Eisenhower, the NPT treaty and the IAEA stated that nuclear power generation should be promoted to secure energy, and it is still legal under international law.

However, Fukushima has caused many radiation victims among its residents, and there are still many evacuees who cannot return to their homes. The method of removing the debris from the reactors and the final disposal of the nuclear waste has not yet been decided, and it will cause irreparable damage to the human body and the environment.

The IADL is determined to do its utmost to establish the right of individuals to enjoy a healthy environment at the United Nations from the standpoint of not causing radiation damage by nuclear power, and to work for international regulation so that not only nuclear weapons but also nuclear power generation can be made illegal under international law.

April 25, 2021



カトマンズ宣言 2023年7月28日 アジア太平洋法律家連盟(COLAP)

(English version is below.) 2023年7月28日、ネパール・カトマンズにおいて、私たちCOLAP(アジア太平洋法律家連盟)は、アジアの平和についてのセミナーを開きました。アジアの平和の危機に対して、8カ国の法律家の参加と文書参加により、熱心な議論を経て、カトマンズ宣言を採択しました。 現在、アジアは特に軍事的緊張が高まっていて、ウクライナ戦争の余波を受けて、さらなる軍事


IADLアカデミー(モニク·ロラン=ヴェイユ記念国際法民衆講座)が連続で開かれます。国際法、国際政治を学ぶ学生に最適です。第1回は11月3日です。 テーマ(予定) 2023年11月以降 I 講座 1) 国連憲章、その起源、本質的な原則と今日的な関連性。 2) 国連機関とそれぞれの役割と権限: 3)主な付属機関・専門機関 4) 人権と民族の権利 5) 地域人権システム(米州、欧州、アフリカ) 6)武

東北アジアの軍事的緊張に関するアジア太平洋法律家連盟(COLAP)決議COLAP Resolution on Military Tension in Northeast Asia

東北アジアの軍事的緊張に関するアジア太平洋法律家連盟(COLAP)決議 2022年10月29日 1. 2022年に入って、ウクライナ戦争を口実に、米日韓の政府は、ロシアや中国、北朝鮮の脅威をあおり、西側諸国と中国・北朝鮮との軍事的対立を高めてきた。軍事ブロックによる抑止政策や挑発行為をやめることはウクライナ戦争からの我々の教訓であり、これまで米国一国だけがアジア大陸で日本に使用してきた核

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