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IADL condemns assaults in Japan's immigration detention centers

December 5, 2021

The IADL is concerned about the many incidents of abuse and violence in Japanese immigration detention centers.

In March 2021, a Sri Lankan woman who was being held in an immigration detention center died because the immigration authorities did not provide her with proper medical treatment, causing a national outcry over the immigration authorities' response. There have also been assaults on Kurds and black Haitian-Americans in the detention center, resulting in serious injuries due to the violence of the officials. The discrimination against Sri Lankans is based on discrimination against Asians, while the incident with the Haitian-Americans is based on discrimination against blacks, as was the case with George Floyd. There have been 17 deaths in immigration detention since 2007, and the immigration administration has been criticized. Japan's refugee status recognition rate is also extremely low among host countries, at about 0.5% per year, and Kurds, Myanmarese, Filipinos, and El Salvadorians are being repatriated to countries where they may face persecution if they return. As a host country for migrants and refugees, Japan does not meet international standards for protecting the human rights of migrants.

The Convention Against Torture and Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which the Japanese government has joined and ratified, prohibit ill-treatment by public officials. Although detention in immigration facilities is a temporary system for foreigners subject to deportation until they are repatriated, there are many detainees who have been held for as long-term as three to five years. There is no judicial examination at the time of detention (in violation of Article 9, Paragraph 4 of ICCPR), and the human rights of detainees are disregarded only by administrative decisions. The UN human rights bodies have repeatedly warned that the prolonged detention be changed. The UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (September 2020) and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants and Torture and Ill-treatment (March 2021) have also pointed this out. Historically, in order for pre-war Japan to advance its war of aggression and colonial rule, a police organization called the Tokko (Special High Police) cracked down on communist ideology and Koreans. These officials took over the postwar immigration administration, and this is the root cause of the current discrimination against foreigners.

From the standpoint of protecting the rights of immigrants and refugees according to international standards, IADL requests that the Japanese government follow the warning of the UN human rights organizations and change its discrimination and nationalism against foreigners. In specific cases, IADL urges that the Japanese government respond to the disclosure of evidence of videotapes of abuse and make concerted efforts to reveal the truth.



カトマンズ宣言 2023年7月28日 アジア太平洋法律家連盟(COLAP)

(English version is below.) 2023年7月28日、ネパール・カトマンズにおいて、私たちCOLAP(アジア太平洋法律家連盟)は、アジアの平和についてのセミナーを開きました。アジアの平和の危機に対して、8カ国の法律家の参加と文書参加により、熱心な議論を経て、カトマンズ宣言を採択しました。 現在、アジアは特に軍事的緊張が高まっていて、ウクライナ戦争の余波を受けて、さらなる軍事


IADLアカデミー(モニク·ロラン=ヴェイユ記念国際法民衆講座)が連続で開かれます。国際法、国際政治を学ぶ学生に最適です。第1回は11月3日です。 テーマ(予定) 2023年11月以降 I 講座 1) 国連憲章、その起源、本質的な原則と今日的な関連性。 2) 国連機関とそれぞれの役割と権限: 3)主な付属機関・専門機関 4) 人権と民族の権利 5) 地域人権システム(米州、欧州、アフリカ) 6)武

東北アジアの軍事的緊張に関するアジア太平洋法律家連盟(COLAP)決議COLAP Resolution on Military Tension in Northeast Asia

東北アジアの軍事的緊張に関するアジア太平洋法律家連盟(COLAP)決議 2022年10月29日 1. 2022年に入って、ウクライナ戦争を口実に、米日韓の政府は、ロシアや中国、北朝鮮の脅威をあおり、西側諸国と中国・北朝鮮との軍事的対立を高めてきた。軍事ブロックによる抑止政策や挑発行為をやめることはウクライナ戦争からの我々の教訓であり、これまで米国一国だけがアジア大陸で日本に使用してきた核

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